Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mike says hi.

Hey there. My name is Mike. I will be sharing a table at Alternative Press Expo with the infamous Art teachers. I have no idea how they put up with me. Also, I have been given free reign to edit this blog to suit my needs. I feel compelled to expel the word "fabulous" from the top header like a menacing phantom. It's an uncomfortable word full of Hollywood sheen. Speaking of sheen, I have a blog you could check out. It has a random assortment of comix for your reading pleasure. Here's a sketch I did for those happy folks lucky enough to celebrate V day: Hey, thanks for reading. Maybe I'll see you at APE. I'm the one with the glasses. - Mike


Carmen said...

so hey, mike, thanks for sharing, and what the hey? "fabulous" is still up there!

Carmen said...

hey mike, put your blog in the sidebar!

Carmen said...

Hey Mike,
I put your blog in the side bar.